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About Me
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I am Sara J. Curran, licensed Behavior Specialist. I am also the mom of 2 amazing girls and the wife of 1 caring husband. Before having children, I taught Special Education in a variety of settings. After having children, I wanted a more flexible schedule that would still allow me do what I love and stay connected to children with needs and their parents and schools. My background, passion, and grad school mentor led me to Behavior Consulting.


I graduated from Penn State University with a BS in Special Education in 1999, then again with an M.Ed. in Special Education in 2006. After graduating, I taught in local public school districts and focused on supporting students with learning and behavioral needs in the regular education setting. After leaving teaching in 2008 to start a family, I began working as a Behavior Consultant both privately and with an agency providing wraparound services for clients with mental health diagnosis.


I am excited to help you and your family and put my experience and expertise to work for you. Get in touch and let's start creating a plan!

SCBC supporting the climb
Experience and Credentials

Behavior Specialist License 

PA State Board of Medicine, current



ABAI (Association for Behavior Analysis International), Affiliate member

Penn ABA (PA Association for Behavior Analysis), Full member

PM-ABA (Philadelphia Metro Assoc for Beh Analysis), Full member


M.Ed. Special Education 

Penn State University, 2006

PA State Instructional II Special Education Certification, 2007


B.S. Special Education

Penn State University, 1999

Behavior Specialist Consultant

November 2011 to present

Work with families and clients in their home, school, and community to develop behavior management plans and transfer all skills to the family. Create and monitor treatment plans to ensure continuation of services and appropriate goals and objectives for client’s needs and diagnosis. Complete observations, collect behavioral data (using original data collection forms), and create Functional Behavior Assessments in order to guide treatment and behavior planning. Coordinate care among all service providers including MT, TSS and teachers.

Itinerant Support Teacher, Elementary

August 2006 to June 2008

Taught elementary students in the areas of reading, writing, math, social skills, and behavior management both in the regular education setting and in small group pull-out settings. Created and implemented IEPs, ERs, and behavior management plans as well as ran meetings to collaborate on and finalize those plans.

Special Education Teacher, Middle School

August 2003 to August 2006

Worked as a flexible seventh grade co-operating teacher; modified grade-level curricula for successful functioning of included students with Learning and Behavior Disabilities

Special Education Coordinator, High School

August 2001 to August 2003

Worked daily with approximately 200 special needs students and their instructors. Coordinated and facilitated communication with IEP teams, focusing on IEP teachers and students’ parents, to better meet the students’ needs within a mainstream vocational placement.

Intensive Early Intervention Teacher, Preschool

January 2000 to August 2001

Worked daily with preschool children with both IEP and mental health needs in a partial hospitalization program.

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